Asociación de Empresas Japonesas

21 de marzo de 2023 | 9:30 - 16:15

Sede de la Cámara de Comercio e Industria (Ribera del Loira, 12, Madrid)

Camara de Comercio de España y Camara de Comercio de Japón

Spain-Japan Business Cooperation Committee

The Japan-Spain Business Cooperation Committee with Spanish Section of the Committee are pleased to invite you to the 28th Spain-Japan Business Cooperation Committee.


Today, the world is facing two serious crises at the same time: pandemic and armed conflict. This crisis is causing serious problems, such as shortages in resources, energy and food supplies, supply chain disruptions, and soaring inflation. As such, the global situation has become increasingly uncertain, but difficult situations are the time to seize changes and build new business opportunities. This event will give you a complete picture from both public and private sectors about the interest for Spanish and Japanese companies and investors.

DATE: Tuesday March 21st, 2023

VENUE: Spain Chamber of Commerce (Ribera del Loira, 12 – Madrid)

AGENDA: 10:00 -16:20 (Tentative)


09:30 – 10:00 Registration

10:00 – 10:30 Opening session:

Opening remarks:

  • Mr. José Manuel Entrecanales, Chairman, the Spain-Japan Business Cooperation Committee
  •  Mr. Mikio Sasaki, Chairman, the Japan-Spain Business Cooperation Committee


  • Inmaculada Riera CEO. Spain Chamber of Commerce
  • Hon. Takahiro Nakamae, Ambassador of Japan to Spain

10:30 – 11:10 Session 1: Japan-Spain Economic and Business relations in the new international context

11:10 – 11:30 Coffee break

11.30 – 12.00 Session 2: Renewable Energies

12:00 – 12:30 Session 3: Health care

12:30 – 13:00 Session 4: Digitalization & New Technologies

13.00 – 13:15 Closing remarks

  • Mr. Mikio Sasaki, Chairman, the Japan-Spain Business Cooperation Committee
  • Mr. José Manuel Entrecanales, Chairman, the Spain-Japan Business Cooperation Committee

13:15 – 14:15 Networking reception hosted by the Spain-Japan Business Cooperation Committee

14:15 – 16:20 Infrastructure Forum


COST: Admission Free

REGISTRATION: Please register via this link one by one even if multiple members will join in from the same organisation.

También puede registrarse a través del siguiente link de Shacho Kai: